There are a variety of opportunities to serve others within our neighborhood and local community through our church ministries. We team with other churches and service organizations to reach outside of our church walls to provide a range of services including food distribution, minor home repairs, and financial support to others in the greater Fredericksburg area.
Our serving ministries provide opportunities for all ages and include:
- Lambert-Withers Food Pantry
Distribute food to families in need
Visit the Facebook page for more info - Micah Ministries
Provide breakfast and pack lunches for homeless - Food 4 Kids
Pack take-home bags for school children at two local grade schools - Souper Bowl of Caring
Annual fund raiser to support hunger ministries - Operation Christmas Child
Annual event to provide “shoeboxes” of Christmas gifts for international distribution - Salvation Army Christmas Fund
Provide Christmas gifts and clothing to children in our local community - T.H.I.S. (These Hands In Service)
Provide minor home repairs including construction of handicap ramps - Operation InAsMuch
Annual one-day concentrated effort reaching into the community through a variety of service activities such as providing food coupons at local farmer’s market, preparing meals for local first responders, providing coins at laundromat, assisting in local race event, etc. - Rebuilding Together
Annual one-day event focused on doing house repairs and maintenance for a family in need - Benefit Oyster Roast
Annual event to raise funds for a family in the greater Fredericksburg area struggling with medical needs and expenses
Visit the Facebook page for more info - Prayer Shawls
Make and distribute prayer shawls - Stafford Junction
Collect and provide school supplies for underprivileged children - Hope House
Collect and provide personal need items