Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth.
–Psalm 96:1
Our Worship Choir sings every Sunday at our 11:00am Service. Our weekly anthems include a variety of styles that ranges from Southern Gospel, to traditional, to modern Contemporary. The important thing is we sing about our Savior, Jesus Christ. In addition to singing in our morning worship services, we present a Christmas Musical each December and an Easter Musical in the spring. We rehearse each Wednesday Evening from 7:00 to 8:45pm!
We welcome anyone who would like to join us. There is no audition required.

Our Handbell Choir “Ringers for the King” rehearses every Monday night from 7:30 to 9:00pm. New members are always welcome. Experience is not necessary. Music reading ability helps, but if you don’t read music we will teach you.
See Mary Garrahan or Willard Sawyer for details.
Our Children’s Choir is for those children in grades K-5. We meet on Sunday evenings from 5:00 to 6:00pm. We present a Christmas and Spring Musical as well as sing occasionally for our Sunday Morning Worship service. In addition we also offer a special Summer music program for Children.
The Fairview Orchestra accompanies our Worship Choir for their Christmas and Easter Musicals. If you play an instrument or have played an instrument in the past, and would be interested in joining us, please see Willard Sawyer our Minister of Music for more info.