EACH OTHER LOVING SHARING our successes, challenges, and failures.

Youth Ministry

When Paul wrote to Timothy about his young age, his call for respect is based on Timothy setting a clear Christian example for other believers. Navigating our modern culture can be a challenge for everyone, and today’s teens are facing these challenges daily. They are faced with frequent decisions that will shape the rest of their lives, as well as shape an entire society around them. Living as a Christian teenager within today’s era can be especially challenging.

The Youth Ministry of Fairview Baptist Church at Charlotte Street aims to provide a safe environment for teens to biblically explore life as they walk within their spheres of influence: at school, playing sports, at band practice, with family at home, gaming online, hanging out with friends, or connecting through social media.

Even though each of our journeys are uniquely our own, we walk tougher as a group, gaining strength and encouragement through our diverse community, laughing and crying together as we share our successes, challenges, and failures.

We meet weekly on Sunday mornings for a focused Bible study, and on Wednesdays evenings for a more relaxed time of fellowship and biblical life application.
Throughout the year we also engage in several mission opportunities as well as fun activities and trips.

Some folks may associate Christianity with being perfect, or at least claiming to be… but that’s not who we are (and it’s not biblical either). Here at Fairview’s youth group, we love Jesus, love each other, and focus on what it takes to live lives that bring honor and glory to Jesus as we praise him daily with our words, thoughts, and actions.

We’re here to support each other as we work through the mess of life and become more like the people God has called each of us to be.

Come Get to Know Us!

Sunday morning or Wednesday nights…We’re looking forward to your visit.