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100th Anniversary Celebration

Fairview Baptist Church 900 Charlotte Street, Fredericksburg, VA

Luncheon in the Fellowship Hall following the Worship Service

Senior Picnic

Lee Hill Community Center 1 H.C.C. Drive, Fredericksburg, VA, United States

Come one, come all, to share fellowship, food and games. Chicken, rolls, chips and drinks will be provided. Please bring...

Awana Begins!

Fairview Baptist Church 900 Charlotte Street, Fredericksburg, VA

Our Awana program is for children 4 years through currently enrolled in 5th grade.

Red Cross Blood Drive

Fairview Baptist Church 900 Charlotte Street, Fredericksburg, VA

Fairview Baptist Church and the American Red Cross are hosting an upcoming blood drive on Saturday, October 19, 2024 from...

Celebration of Life Ceremony

Fairview Baptist Church 900 Charlotte Street, Fredericksburg, VA

A Celebration of Life Ceremony will be held at FBC Charlotte Street on January 6th at 11:00 am, followed by a reception at River Club Church.

Annual Benefit Oyster Roast

Fredericksburg Fairgrounds 2400 Airport Avenue, Fredericksburg, VA

The Benefit Oyster Roast is an annual fundraiser to benefit an individual or family in the greater Fredericksburg community. The...